CauseLabs Resources

Lessons & insights from our journey for positive impact.

Laptop on an office desk showing slow page load times with a loading spinner and 1% loaded.

Boost Your SEO: Are Page Load Times Impacting Your Website?

If you’re looking to improve your website’s SEO, one factor to analyze more critically is your Page Load Times. This metric is essential for diagnosing web design issues, and it can significantly affect how search engines rate your site. Some issues could affect your entire website (a bloated theme, plugins, or other code issues). Other speed […]

An image of a young woman in her twenties shopping and looking at her mobile phone, showing a digital-first consumer experience.

Digital-First Consumers: Gen Z Is Redefining How We Sell in 2025

Gen Z’s shopping habits as digital-first consumers are reshaping e-commerce with channel-less strategies, seamless experiences, and collaborative innovation.

A man and child stick their tongues out. The child's tongue is blue from candy

3 Ways to Bring Your Whole Self to Work

We have found that having a culture rooted in authenticity and vulnerability is key to being able to bring our whole selves to work. This kind of culture can be difficult to create, but we’ve found a few tricks to make it easier.

A man writing while conversing with two people during an HCD workshop

Wrap Up + Getting to Pilot

When we first started, we were refining a problem, onboarding your team, and setting up tools. Now, we’ll do the reverse.

A man holds up a diagram during a CauseLabs strategic workshop.

Guide for Innovation Week 4: Synthesis and Roadmap

This week may be the most important because it synthesizes everything into a decision-enabling Roadmap. This is the why. And the how. And the what to do next.

A young man uses a cell phone to test a prototype for a CauseLabs project.

Guide for Innovation Week 3: Prototyping

Starting now, we’ll take all of our work during discovery, immersion, and ideation and boil it down into something real. This week is all about the Workshop.

A woman places a sticky note on a wall during a CauseLabs strategic workshop

Guide for Innovation Week 2: Research + Empathy

Hey gang, welcome back. Hopefully by now you’re really powering with your team and starting to feel the momentum of the process. Last week kicked things off with brainstorming and early research. Now, we’ll focus on confirming the direction, trusting your hunches, experimenting beyond your team, and seeking deeper empathy in your process. So let’s get started!

an assortment of sticky notes from a CauseLabs strategic workshop

Week 1: Problem Immersion + Drawing Board

This week we’ll dig into the first of two sessions that we call Drawing Boards. In large part they’re exactly what they sound like: a starting place to gather the team and set the focus, built initially around the Problem Statement draft, and a place to keep referring to as the process progresses.

It's time for your company to grow.

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