If you’re looking to improve your website’s SEO, one factor to analyze more critically is your Page Load Times. This metric is essential for diagnosing web design issues, and it can significantly affect how search engines rate your site. Some issues could affect your entire website (a bloated theme, plugins, or other code issues). Other speed […]
CauseLabs Resources
Lessons & insights from our journey for positive impact.
Gathering and Using Donor Data Responsibly
Your nonprofit’s mission is important, and you want to make the most significant impact possible. Which means you can’t depend on one-time donations and you invest time and process into using donor data to understand your donors. You have to cultivate relationships with donors. Using their data responsibly can convert one-time donors into recurring givers […]
Keys to Marketing Your Nonprofit
If your nonprofit’s marketing consists of regularly updating social media and hosting an annual benefit gala, you could be missing opportunities to connect with people who need your help and donors willing to assist. Creating a plan and being consistent in marketing your nonprofit is essential for growing and maintaining it. You don’t have to […]
Why Your Nonprofit Website Needs Strategy
You can’t build a house without a solid foundation and expect it to last. The same is true for a website, which is why your website needs strategy. A digital strategy establishes the overall direction your website will follow. It acts as a North Star, providing a digital purpose and aligning it to your nonprofit […]
CauseLabs CEO, Sheryle Gillihan, Talks on Impact Technology and the Power of Collective Impact Alliances
The benefits of evolving with technology comes from evolving your mindset and your business model around supporting digital goals and strategies not from the tool, framework or functionality you choose to build.
Using Impact Technology to Build Community
How do you use technology to build community and what’s the value of that? You’ve heard it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. If your goal is to collaborate in an online community, that may be truer than you think. Impact technology is the proactive use of responsible technology to create or multiply […]
Website Features for Nonprofits to Consider
You have a unique audience with specific needs that your nonprofit wants to serve. The question becomes how to use technology to help these people. To best serve this audience, you need to understand their unique needs. You also have to think critically about using technology to meet them where they are. This service includes […]