Social Impact

Insights into CauseLabs’ commitment to social impact and initiatives that drive positive change in communities.

Red and gold holiday gift boxes, scattered on a brown wooden surface

Brands That Give Back

Vote with your dollar this holiday season by investing in companies and brands with a purpose. By purchasing gifts from Certified B Corps and Social Enterprises, you’re not only giving a gift, you’re also supporting mission-driven companies that are balancing purpose and profit by working towards sustainable, ethical, environmentally friendly business practices. We put together […]

A Ghanian kente (tradition woven fabric) lays over a white pillow with "be the change" stitched in black along the bottom edge.

The Value of Five Dollars: Creating Social Impact

I’ve recently returned from Mexico, where I attended a convening with 460 changemakers from around the world. Read this article if you want to know more about why I’ve attended for seven years. In short, Opportunity Collaboration broadens my perspective, gives me awareness of important programs that I share with others, and challenges me to […]

OC attendees traveling single file on a jungle-like path.

Reflections from Opportunity Collaboration

As of October 2019, I have attended Opportunity Collaboration (OC) seven times, which means that as a company, CauseLabs has participated in this annual unconference for over a decade. It’s no surprise that new delegates often ask me, “Why do you come back each year?”  I suspect there is a desired response. I suspect they […]

A diverse group of people on computers.

The 2019 Inclusive Economy Challenge

Once a year, B Lab presents Certified B Corps with a list of focus areas where their social and environmental sustainability could be improved upon through the Inclusive Economy Challenge. B Lab provides resources and opportunities to collaborate and learn from one another, so we can collectively improve our impact and move towards a more […]

A Neon dollar sign

Financial Empathy — The Promise of FinTech

Many of the factors that determine our social labels and future success are placed upon us at birth. Uncontrollable and at times unfortunate, what can we do to forge new paths for realizing every person’s potential? That is a question that drives our social sector, our development goals, and our philanthropy. The answer is complex […]

A person counting the money in their wallet.

Level-up Your Financial Literacy

At CauseLabs, we believe that collaboration is a critical factor for Growing Positive Impact. That’s why we like to write about the great causes and initiatives of our clients, partners, and peers. Today, we’re featuring a guest post from our friend Brandon Burton of Securing Life Today. Brandon is a United States Marine Corps Veteran […]

A woman accesses the Balancing Act platform website on a laptop

10 Tools and Resources for Improving Financial Literacy

Ten tools and resources to help build your financial literacy and give you the skills to make smart financial decisions important to your everyday life.

A group of people walking together

What are Social Impact Companies and Why Do They Matter?

If you pay any attention to business news and trends, then you have probably noticed an increase in the number of companies embracing “social impact” as a core value. Consumers are taking notice, as a 2018 study found that 78% of Americans expect companies to go beyond making profits; they must also positively impact society. […]

balancing act fort worth website being used on laptop

Balancing Act Demo Puts Fort Worth Budget into the Hands of Neighborhood Leaders

60 attendees participated in the workshop demo where they were tasked with balancing a hypothetical deficit of $4.2 million with a few challenging fiscal options thrown in.

A closeup shot of a team of coworkers fist bumping.

The 2018 Inclusive Economy Challenge

Since 2014, CauseLabs has been continually striving for social and environmental sustainability. So, we participated in the 2018 Inclusive Economy Challenge.

Stacked stones by the water with a city skyline

Finding Alignment

As a company whose success (staying in business) relies on revenue, there is a tension between profitability and mission. We can’t achieve our mission if we can’t succeed as a business. However, we do not want to succeed solely through profits and charitable giving.

A man sits a table facing away from the camera.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Technology has the power to transform our world on a scale that is unprecedented. How might we, as social good organizations, learn, adapt, and benefit from these shifts?

It's time for your company to grow.

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