Sheryle Gillihan

Chief Executive Officer

Sheryle joined CauseLabs in 2010 and has grown with the company as a leader, strategist, and cultural ambassador. Growing up with her own poverty story, she has found her purpose in creating social impact. She fuses her hope for a better, brighter future with over 15 years of leadership, operations and technical management experience. Ranging from military to corporate to nonprofit sectors, she brings immense, diversified perspective and excellent coordination. Sheryle has served as a Girl Scout leader for 10 years, sits on several advisory boards, and empowers and equips leaders and project managers around the world on the successful rapid problem solving process she has pioneered with the team at CauseLabs.

Learn More Through My Stories

Portraits of Lise Kingo, Amina J. Mohammed, and Alan Jope.

Leadership for a Global Crisis: Important Lessons & Lived Experiences

The United Nations Global Compact is holding special Academy Sessions centered around #UnitingBusiness. You can view the previous sessions and register for the future ones here. Below are my reflections from the first Academy Session: New Leadership for a Global Crisis. Leadership Starts with an Opportunity Our normal social constructs have disappeared and our day-to-day […]

A Ghanian kente (tradition woven fabric) lays over a white pillow with "be the change" stitched in black along the bottom edge.

The Value of Five Dollars: Creating Social Impact

I’ve recently returned from Mexico, where I attended a convening with 460 changemakers from around the world. Read this article if you want to know more about why I’ve attended for seven years. In short, Opportunity Collaboration broadens my perspective, gives me awareness of important programs that I share with others, and challenges me to […]

OC attendees traveling single file on a jungle-like path.

Reflections from Opportunity Collaboration

As of October 2019, I have attended Opportunity Collaboration (OC) seven times, which means that as a company, CauseLabs has participated in this annual unconference for over a decade. It’s no surprise that new delegates often ask me, “Why do you come back each year?”  I suspect there is a desired response. I suspect they […]

balancing act fort worth website being used on laptop

Balancing Act Demo Puts Fort Worth Budget into the Hands of Neighborhood Leaders

60 attendees participated in the workshop demo where they were tasked with balancing a hypothetical deficit of $4.2 million with a few challenging fiscal options thrown in.

A few members of the CauseLabs team

Diversity in Hiring Practices

When our teams consist of all (or mostly) one gender, one race, one religion, one age range, etc. it is our responsibility as leaders to evaluate if that pattern aligns with our core values and if it serves the growth and health of our companies.

B Champions Retreat Welcome Receptions at The Sugar Mill in New Orleans.

B Champions Retreat Reflection

Last week in New Orleans with fellow Certified B Corporations was energizing and enlightening. We learned a lot about New Orleans and the history of the people that shaped this city, its culture, its food and its societal norms. It made us think about our own cities and our position in creating future socio-economic norms.

Stacked stones by the water with a city skyline

Finding Alignment

As a company whose success (staying in business) relies on revenue, there is a tension between profitability and mission. We can’t achieve our mission if we can’t succeed as a business. However, we do not want to succeed solely through profits and charitable giving.

A man sits a table facing away from the camera.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Technology has the power to transform our world on a scale that is unprecedented. How might we, as social good organizations, learn, adapt, and benefit from these shifts?

A person holds a bundle of glowing holiday lights in their hands

Doing Good Business, A New World Wide Web

When the success of a business relies on more than just passion, how do we hold true to our values and why we started our business?

An assortment of post-it notes on a table at a CauseLabs strategy workshop

How a simple list of emergent themes can save you time and money in digital innovation work

Emergent Themes tries to draw signal from all the beautiful innovation noise, that flurry of empathetic activity that characterizes innovation. Most importantly, these plain-language terms help us have a conversation to answer a key question: “What piece of this problem should we focus on first as we start prototyping?

It's time for your company to grow.

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