As more and more business operations move online, the importance of website security and reliability cannot be overstated. One of the most basic but critical measures any business can take in website maintenance is performing daily website backups. It may seem like a mundane task. However, the potential costs of not doing so can be […]

CauseLabs Support
Learn More Through My Stories

Sustainable Digital Stewardship: A New Way to Build for the Web
For over a decade, CauseLabs has been building for the web. Through hundreds of projects, reaching millions of people with digital technology, we know that it has exponentially compounding impacts, both positive and negative, on your organization. By understanding these impacts we have learned to be good digital stewards of the web products we deliver […]

2023 Supported Browsers List
Browser testing no longer means attempting to make a website look the same in browsers of different capabilities or on devices with different size screens. However, it does mean ensuring someone’s experience of a design should be appropriate to the capabilities of their browser or device. Our supported browsers list helps communicate what is covered […]

Considering the Layers of Inclusion in the Modern Workplace
The need for inclusion and trauma-informed workplaces is growing and apparent. Becoming aware is compelling, but there is so much to be considered before integrating these realities into the fabric of our companies. There are nuances to successfully integrating inclusion into the daily functioning of your organization, but the benefits are worth embracing the change. […]

How to Bring Your Work Home with You
It sounds counterintuitive to how you’ve learned to think about work. Keeping your professional and personal lives separate has long been a focus. This post is not a proposal to ditch boundaries and work 24/7. Instead, what if aspects of work, company culture, and organizational values could enhance your life outside of work? Understanding how […]

Technical Debt: What It Is and Why You Should Care
Developers think of technical debt as poor coding or a lack of maintenance. But, to you, it’s the cost your organization incurs due to poor or outdated code quality. Time is lost, but so is the money needed to try to repair your technical issues. Old or inadequate coding is costly to update, but the […]

Why Location Jittering is Important
We live in an age where everyone is glued to their phones. It’s difficult to imagine leaving home without them, but we don’t often consider how much information our phones might share without our knowledge or consent. Sharing your location is not inherently bad or dangerous. The data gathered and the organizations that receive it […]

Creating a Maintenance Schedule for Your Website
Updating your online presence can be daunting, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to communicate with your community. Leaving your web systems in the past also can make them open to hackers. Creating a maintenance schedule for your website will help you stay on top of necessary changes to your content, systems, […]

Fort Worth Inc. presents the Entrepreneur of Excellence Finalists
Fort Worth Inc. is proud to present the finalists for the Entrepreneur of Excellence Awards Program.
Fort Worth Inc.’s Entrepreneur of Excellence (EOE) awards program recognizes outstanding entrepreneurs whose vision, creativity, and integrity have made Fort Worth the premier place to do business.

Protecting Your Nonprofit Website From Hackers
Hacking has only been illegal since 1986, so it’s a relatively new crime that can be difficult to get ahead of. Hackers target valuable and vulnerable websites. Nonprofit websites frequently collect valuable information and have little security against information theft. Protecting your nonprofit website is crucial to keeping your community safe. Why Do Hackers Target […]

Understanding Continuous Improvement for Your Website
Continuous improvement is the final and most crucial stage of growth-driven design. You don’t want your website to get stuck in the aughts. The web is ever-growing and changing, and a continuous improvement plan will help your organization stay effective and technologically up-to-date. What is Growth-Driven Design? Growth-driven design (GDD) is a web design system […]

5 Ways to Diversify Your Nonprofit Partnerships for a Competitive Edge
Nonprofit partnerships in alignment with your values offer a network of leaders who can help you better identify struggles and solutions within your sector. The success and reputation of your organization depend on embracing a collaborative community mindset, but choosing well and fostering strong partnerships is key. Being intentional with the diversification of your partnerships […]