Do you know your website's accessibility score?
There are a variety of accessibility-related concerns that your organization may want to consider. An accessibility audit helps you know where to start.

Why Invest in Accessibility?

“Accessibility is more than a policy and a checklist to follow for compliance. Meeting people where they are and serving their needs includes other factors that go beyond the checklist. I think the majority of our clients get this as it is crucial for nonprofits. CauseLabs offers both a WCAG policy-driven website audit as well as guidelines for additional things to consider when designing or updating your nonprofit website.”
Sheryle Gillihan
CauseLabs CEO
Which websites need to be compliant?
Depending on your organization's location or business, you may have different requirements. For example, if your business is in Ontario, places of public accommodation, including websites and digital assets, must be accessible to persons of all abilities as of January 1, 2021. If your organization is located in the United States and working with or receiving funding from a government entity, Section 508 standards have been required since 2018 for all federal government electronic information and communication technology (ICT).
A website that is not accessible increases your organization's legal exposure to a potential accessibility lawsuit. Beyond the legal risks, it's important for your organization to know and understand your website's Accessibility Score to ensure you are creating inclusive content for all your audiences.
Get An Accessibility Audit for Your Site
Website Accessibility Audit
- Audit unlimited pages within one domain. (Excludes subdomains.)
- Your website's accessibility audit starts upon receipt of payment.
- An audit report may take up to 1 week to complete depending on the size of your site.
- Report includes your: Accessibility Score, Summary, and Detailed Problem List.
CauseLabs can help kickstart your journey towards website accessibility.
There are adjustments you can start making on your website today. If you're not ready to dig into the line item details of a robust audit measuring your website against WCAG 2.1 or other standards, here are a few questions and considerations to help guide your next steps:
- Navigation: Can your website be navigated by screen readers?
- Contrast: Do your site colors have enough contrast for visually impaired users?
- Button Size: Can users with mobility challenges easily click on your buttons?
- Closed Caption: Have you added a transcript or closed captions to your videos for users who have hearing challenges?
Need help implementing any of these adjustments? Cick here to contact our team of experts.

CauseLabs is here to help nonprofits build more accessible websites.
To make your website truly accessible, you have to understand the people in the community you want to serve. You also need to understand their unique needs and think critically about how to use technology to meet those needs. Some considerations go beyond the checklists you'll find for accessibility standards. These may include translations for a multilingual audience, the bandwidth usage while accessing your website for users who pay for data, and screen sizes for an audience who's access is limited to their smart phones. CauseLabs human-centered approach considers and addresses these concerns.